Package org.h2.engine

Class Session.StaticSettings

Enclosing class:

public static final class Session.StaticSettings extends Object
Static settings.
  • Field Details

    • databaseToUpper

      public final boolean databaseToUpper
      Whether unquoted identifiers are converted to upper case.
    • databaseToLower

      public final boolean databaseToLower
      Whether unquoted identifiers are converted to lower case.
    • caseInsensitiveIdentifiers

      public final boolean caseInsensitiveIdentifiers
      Whether all identifiers are case insensitive.
  • Constructor Details

    • StaticSettings

      public StaticSettings(boolean databaseToUpper, boolean databaseToLower, boolean caseInsensitiveIdentifiers)
      Creates new instance of static settings.
      databaseToUpper - whether unquoted identifiers are converted to upper case
      databaseToLower - whether unquoted identifiers are converted to lower case
      caseInsensitiveIdentifiers - whether all identifiers are case insensitive